翌年には この作品で芥川賞を受賞しました。「茶髪でピアスの京大生がデビュー作で芥川賞!」と、大きな話題を読んでから25年。『マチネの終わりに』『ある男』『決壊』など、数々のベストセラー作品を生み出し、映像化、舞台化もされてきました。作品はアメリカでも英訳版として発売されています。
As a special Christmas feature, we present an interview with author Keiichiro Hirano.
In 1999, while still a university student, he submitted his debut work, Eclipse, to the literary journal, Shincho. The following year, this work won the Akutagawa Prize. That was twenty-five years ago.
He has written numerous bestselling works, including At the End of the Matinee, A Man, and Breach. These works have been adapted into films and stage productions. Some of his works are also available with English translations in the United States.
We interviewed Mr. Hirano at the Japan Society in November. We talked about Christmas memories, political division in America, and his start as a writer.